Eyes on Fire - Blue Foundation Official MV

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Vid from Cemerika's Channel

This video is dedicated to the art scene in Chelyabinsk.

The video has been shoot in the nightclub The Black Hole, in the Russsian city of Chelyabinsk. Located in the foothills of the Ural Mountains.

During the Cold War the city did not appear on any official maps and was a closed off atomic zone, which produced tanks and the first atomic bomb of the Sovjet Union. For 45 years, Chelyabinsk, was closed to all foreigners and journalists. Only in January of 1992 did President Boris Yeltsin sign a decree changing that. For decades the atomic complex Mayak has let out radioactive water directly into the Techa - Chelyabinsk largest river. Scientists and enviromental organisations call the area one of the the most polluted places on eart.

Besides its war industry, the city is has a very vibrant dance scene. Masha Greif, is a solodancer at the Chelyabinsk Theater of Contemporary Dance, lead by the Choreografer Olga Pona. Masha Greif is one of the best dancers in Russia and winner of The Golden Mask dance prize 2007 in Moscow.

This video is dedicated to the art scene in Chelyabinsk.

Director: Boris Bertram

Information above was taken from DeadPeoplesChoice Channel. BTW, Dead People's Choice is the label that shelters Blue Foundation. Interesting video, I might say. This is an alternate version. I wonder if anybody has seen  a video of this song with snippets from the Twilight Movie. Anyone?